

New African-American Voice Award

Unsigned Hype won the New African-American Voice Award at the 2010 AFR’AM Fest Literary Awards.

Thanks to Tiffany L. Smith, who ran the Literary Café, and for all who voted for the book. 

Afr’Am Fest is an African-American cultural festival that has been held annually during Memorial Day weekend in Norfolk, VA for the past 25 years. Attendance tops 30,000 over the course of the weekend.


Unsigned Hype Book Trailer Wins The Best Book Trailer of 2009

The book trailer for Unsigned Hype was selected as The Best Book Trailer of 2009 by the African American Literature Book Club ( is the largest and most frequently visited web site dedicated to books by and about African Americans. Of the Unsigned Hype book trailer the site’s founder Troy Johnson said, "I view A LOT of book trailers over the course of a year and I found this one [Unsigned Hype] to be so much better than the others I watched that year, that I felt compelled to recognize Booker's book trailer.  This was the genesis of the idea for’s Best Book Trailer of the Year Award." Thanks Troy!

You can watch the Unsigned Hype trailer by clicking here

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